Do I need to create an account to place an order?
You can place an order as a registered member or as a guest. The first option has its advantages. You can track the status of your orders and view your order history. It also speeds up the checkout process. You can start by creating your profile and then place your order, or you can place your order as a guest and later save your details in an account you create afterward.
How do I create an account?
To create an account:
- Click on "Account" or the account icon at the top right.
- Click on "Create Account".
- Follow the steps to create your account.
Important: Your billing address and phone number must match what is on your credit card statement.
How can I log in or reconnect?
- Click on "Account" or the account icon at the top right.
- Click on "Login".
What should I do if I’ve lost my password?
Follow the steps to have a new password sent to your email address.
What should I do if I’ve forgotten my email address?
If you can’t remember your email address, you will need to re-register by going to the "Account" section.
Why should I create an account?
The personal information requested in the profile helps us get to know you better and communicate with you quickly in case of any issues. You can modify this information at any time.
Can I change my mailing address?
If you don’t have any active orders, simply update your address in your account’s address book. Don’t forget to notify your credit card provider so that the addresses match.
What will be my billing address?
When entering credit card information, you must associate it with one of the addresses in your account. This address will be used for billing and must match the one on file with your credit card provider.
Can I view my purchase history?
On the "My Profile" page, under "Orders", various links allow you to view both processed and pending orders.