Buzz about our brand: A successful launch!
As you can imagine, launching a new brand is an adventure that is filled with twists and turns. The process takes long term commitment and many different partners. There are tons – if not countless – details to consider. It is truly an unbelievable experience and incredibly exhilarating! Now that we’ve reached the finish line, we are so proud to present our products.
Over the last few months, as the weeks went on, we couldn’t wait for launch day. We were so excited to share all of our hard work and the results with women. We couldn’t wait to present a product that was created specifically with them in mind! It was almost time to share what we created, and for women to integrate our discoveries into their own lives.
March 28th, launch day, was therefore extremely important to our team. In fact, it was the biggest day of all — the true birth of JuventeDC. This is a project that we’ve been working on for months and thinking about for years. Journalists and bloggers were finally able to try our innovative products! For the occasion, we invited guests to the ArtGang room in Montreal. It was beautifully decorated to evoke both the ocean and the earth, the two worlds at the heart of our products.
Cream testing stations, iPad stations for visiting our website, thematic decor, cocktails and mouth-watering appetizers were teamed with curious and interested guests. Everything came together for a successful event!
The day after this beautiful evening, it is with great pride that we read the various articles written about our products. We’re finding that, already, women are integrating our products into their routines. They’re clearly impressed with JuventeDC’s attention to quality and want their friends to know all about us too! Such amazing recognition.
Here are some of the many articles that were published about JuventeDC.
Magazine Véro
Thank you for being part of the JuventeDC family.